Wednesday, September 4, 2024If you have priced car insurance lately, you might be looking for ways to save a few dollars on your premium. One way that some people cut back the cost is by dialing back auto insurance to a liability-only policy. Even though choosing this may save you a bit each month on your premium, in the long run, it could cost you much more. READ MORE >>
Thursday, August 1, 2024It is so exciting moving into a new home. There are many things to plan for and look forward to doing in this new space. You may spend a lot to buy the home, renovate it, and furnish it. That is why you need home insurance to protect it. To do that, buy a policy that reflects the risks in the home, and the needs you have for it. READ MORE >>
Monday, July 1, 2024When you first talk to your auto insurance agent, chances are that your zip code will be the very first thing they ask you for. There are some exceptions. But, in general, this is the case. So, how does your zip code affect your perceived risk? And why is it so important to car insurance companies? READ MORE >>
Wednesday, June 5, 2024General liability insurance helps protect your business against lawsuits. But it's still better to avoid the hassle of a claim altogether. Even if you can’t avoid a claim, it’s best to have it dealt with as expediently as possible. Security cameras can help you do just that. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, May 8, 2024Many companies maintain important data and information on documents. They need to access that data from time to time. Fire, flood, or theft can limit that access. What happens when an accountant cannot access tax files from his clients? An attorney’s copy of a will suffers damage after a fire. READ MORE >>
Monday, April 1, 2024 Teenagers are some of the most distracted drivers on the road. From fiddling with their cellphones to talking to their friends, they don’t always have their focus on what they are doing behind the wheel. To make matters worse, talking to them about ways to improve their driving always ends in a heated discussion. READ MORE >>
Friday, March 1, 2024With warm, sunny weather, many businesses see a boost in profits. Consumers are happy to shop around and eat out after spending so many months cooped up indoors for warmth. So don’t miss out on opportunity! READ MORE >>
Wednesday, February 7, 2024Just as important as your car’s ability to get from point A to point B is your car’s ability to stop when you step on the brake pedal. To maintain the ability to come to a clean stop, you’ll need to have your car’s brake system regularly inspected by a qualified mechanic. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, August 16, 2023Contrary to popular belief, life insurance premiums are not based solely on your health. There are quite a few factors that go into calculating how much your life insurance premiums will cost, as well as what time of payout will be given in the end. Age READ MORE >>
Wednesday, February 15, 2023While doing laundry at home is a normal weekly chore, that doesn’t mean you should go on autopilot. Clothes dryers can cause fires, so it is always important to follow safety tips when using them. Here are a few considerations to keep in mind when you’re doing laundry: Do: READ MORE >>
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